Mari Carmen Garrido

Films Profiles

name Mari Carmen Garrido

age 46

kind of entrepreneurship Emprendimiento Social

field of activity Desarrollo Tecnologico Y Social


Development of wireless communication tools, mobility and security systems for dependents. As a successful experience, we can indicate promotional and information campaigns such as the one carried out by the Athletic Club Bilbao management team, MACUA Candidacy, which resulted in the winner becoming Athletic President.

When I started with this company I was 27 years old. The support received was business advice and a small financial aid from the DFB.


It was about solving the problem of communications since in 2002 the communication system by RED WIRELESS / WIFI was not as developed as at present. A Bluetooth communication system was developed to improve mobility. The target group we addressed was small business and institutional campaigns with groups in situations of dependency. The social enterprise allowed us to enter areas that from a commercial structure is more complicated or generates more reticence. The social perspective is linked to the coverage and care of dependent people and social institutions.


The motivation arises when detecting a need in the immediate environment motivated by the importance that a dependent person could send a communication to a reference mobile at any time. From this root idea arose the opportunity to carry out marketing campaigns of mobility so that, in a simple way, we could reach a greater number of potential users and / or clients. Any initiative of entrepreneurship requires a commitment and not so much sacrifice but involvement and resolution to continue and invest in order to continue. The formula of success does not exist but it does help the commitment, the implication, the will to continue and the ability to overcome the difficulties. The main benefit is the possibility of organizing your work and your availability according to your needs, especially in relation to family conciliation.


It is fundamental to have RESILIENCE and EMPATHY. It is also important to have the ability to detect potential business opportunities, the ability to obtain a business opportunity from a need.