How assertive am I quiz?
Read the questions below and answer a, b or c depending on your choice. After answering all of the questions refer to the score interpretation key at the bottom of the quiz. Good luck.
1. You are at McDonalds and order a chicken legend burger without mayonnaise, but they give you one with it anyway. You would:
2. You are in the middle of watching a very interesting television programme when your parent/carer comes in and asks for a favour. You would:
3. You are a customer in a line waiting to be served. Suddenly someone steps in line ahead of you. You would:
4. You ask at the movies for a small drink (£1.50), however they give you a large by mistake and ask you for £4. You would:
5. After walking out of a store where you bought some items you discover you were short-changed. You would:
6. A friend drops in to say hello, but stays too long, preventing you from finishing an important task. You would:
7. You are in a group discussion about a project at school that includes your teacher. A friend asks you a question about your work, but you don`t know the answer. You would:
8. You suspect someone of harbouring a grudge against you, but you don`t know why. You would:
9. You invite a good friend to your house for a party, but your friend never arrives and doesn`t call to cancel or apologise. You would:
10. You take your laptop to a shop for repairs and receive a written estimate. But later, when you pick it up, you are billed for additional work and for an amount higher than the estimate. You would:
Score interpretation Key
In general, there are 3 styles of interpersonal behaviour. These are: a) Passive, b) Aggressive, c) Assertive.
The “a” choices in the quiz are representative of the Passive Style. Therefore, the more “a” choices you made, the more passive you are. 6 or more “a” choices suggests you are probably more passive in your interpersonal behaviour
The “b” choices in the quiz are representative of the Aggressive style. Therefore, the more “b” choices you made, the more aggressive you are. 6 or more “b” choices suggests you are probably more aggressive in your interpersonal behaviour
The “c” choices in the quiz are representative of the Assertive style. Therefore, the more “c” choices you made, the more assertive you are. 6 or more “c” choices suggests you are probably assertive.
Now look again at the “c” answers again. If you can move your everyday behaviour closer to the “c” style of response, you will likely experience an increase in feelings of self-esteem and decrease in feelings of stress.