Leading modules


Module 6 “Becoming the Best” – Interpersonal Skills

Unit 2: Team work
Exercises/questions for self-reflection

Watch the video on Belbin` team role theory.


Now think about your group of friends/family. Imagine you are a Director of a company and they all work for you. What role would you put them in?

Role Strengths Allowable weaknesses Don`t be surprised to find out…. Who might play this in my team?
Shaper Challenging, dynamic, thrives under pressure. Has the drive and courage to overcome obstacles  Can easily be provoked and may like provoking others. Sometimes may offend other people’s feelings They would risk becoming aggressive and bad humored in their attempts to get things done
Completer/Finisher Painstaking, conscientious. Searches out errors. Polishes and perfects Can be inclined to worry unduly, and reluctant to delegate They could be accused of taking their perfectionism to extremes
Implementer Practical, reliable, efficient. Turns ideas into actions and organises work that needs to be done Can be a bit inflexible and slow to respond to new possibilities They might be slow to give up their plans in favor of positive changes
Plant Creative, imaginative, free-thinking, generates ideas and solves difficult problems Might ignore incidentals and may be too preoccupied to communicate effectively They could be absent minded or forgetful
Monitor-Evaluator Serious, strategic and discerning. Sees all options and judges accurately Sometimes lacks the drive and ability to inspire others and can be overly critical They could be slow to come to decisions
Specialist Single-minded, self-starting and dedicated. They provide specialist knowledge and skills  Tends to contribute on a narrow front and can dwell on the technicalities They overload you with information
Team worker Co-operative, perceptive and diplomatic. Listens and averts friction Can be indecisive in important situations and tends to avoid confrontation They might be hesitant to make unpopular decisions
Coordinator Mature, confident, identifies talent. Clarifies goals. Can be seen as manipulative and might offload their own share of the work They might over delegate, leaving themselves little work to do
Resource Investigator Outgoing, enthusiastic, explores opportunities and develops contacts Might be over-optimistic, and can lose interest once the initial enthusiasm has passed. They might forget to follow up on a lead.


Watch the You Tube video on 5 Steps Creating an Exceptional Effective Team Work.


Now you have watched the video answer the following questions deciding if they are true or false:

1. There are only 5 steps to create an effective team.

2. You do not need a common goal to be an effective team.

3. Each employee needs to be assigned a certain task.

4. Monitor your team regularly.

5. It is not important in business to have an effective team.


Now test your teamwork knowledge with this short quiz:

1. What is a key step in Teamwork?

2. What does Teamwork Mean?

3. How do you use teamwork in your everyday life?

4. Is teamwork a useful skill?

5. Teamwork is used in every job.

6. What is not an important factor in teamwork?

7. You do not use teamwork in life generally.

8. What are the correct 8 steps of teamwork? (in order)

9. The team must have a principle leadership.
