Leading modules


Module 3 “Where am I going?” – Visioning

Unit 4:  Strategic planning & visioning
Action steps for strategic planning and visioning

Presentation 07_ Presentation 06_Capabilities assessment and Critical Thinking

Strategic planning

In Unit 1 of this module, we defined strategic planning as:

an organization’s process of defining its strategy, or direction, and making decisions on allocating its resources to pursue this strategy. Ιt is here that priorities are set. It may also extend to control mechanisms for guiding the implementation of the strategy. (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Strategic_planning).

Strategic planning can support your organization/business to achieve its short term goals, while staying in line with the mission and long-term vision of the organization.

Steps in Strategic Planning

  • Identify key stakeholders and include these partners in planning
    When you want to start any initiative/action, it is important to find out who these people are that can support you. They can be managers, employees, clients, other organizations, experts, etc. Make a list of all those people that can support you and try to involve them in the process. Eg. You can give them a needs-assessment questionnaire in order to assess what is missing from your community and how your idea/vision/mission can improve that
  • Write down your vision and mission statements 
    (see “mission” and “vision” presentations from unit 01 of this module)
    You do not have to do this alone… It is always better to brainstorm with others (use your key stakeholders).
    Discussing it with people can help you focus more your idea. Discussing idea
  • Develop and state clear objectives and goals
  • Define Benchmarks & behavioral objectives
  • Set SMART goals (specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, timed)
  • See more on creating objectives here: https://ctb.ku.edu/en/table-of-contents/structure/strategic-planning/create-objectives/main
  • Identify strategies for effective implementation and adaptability
  • Identify specific required changes for adaptability and moving towards desired vision
    • Remember to align your strategies with your mission, vision and values.
    • Create a concrete, but flexible implementation plan
    • Prepare for changes to the plan that may be required
    • Allocate resources appropriately
    • Set timeframes
    • Communicate the strategies to the people within your organization/business
    • Create tools for monitoring and progress review

Read more on implementing strategy here:

  • Identify action steps for key stakeholders and community members involved (what needs to be done, and by whom)
  • Critically evaluate process thus far (always reflecting why and how steps are being completed)
  • Start implementation of the plan
  • Review and adapt the plan at regular intervals (eg. Yearly)1