Leading modules


Module 3 “Where am I going?” – Visioning

Unit 3: Sustainability of values
Underlying assumptions that influence attitudes and behaviours towards missions

Presentation 04_Underlying assumptions

In this unit, you will go another step forward, learning how an organization/business can remain true to its values, mission and vision and what are the underlying assumptions that influence attitudes and behaviours.


In order for the sustainability of values of any organization/business, it is important to clearly communicate these values both inside and outside the organization/business.

Ways to communicate your values

Write them down and publicize them

The first step to communicating the values of your organization/business is to write them down and make them publicly available on your website.

Let’s take the example of Aegean airlines: https://en.about.aegeanair.com/company/our-mission/

You can see how here the mission, vision and values of the company are clearly and briefly presented.

You can also communicate your values in all your communication tools (e-mails, leaflets and flyers, posters, newsletters, etc)

Create a video

They say that an image is worth a thousand words. In today’s day and age, a video about your organization’s values and mission that inspires and motivates present and future employees, as well as customers/beneficiaries and other stakeholders, can be even more efficient than written statement.

Tip: Make sure to keep it short…

Here are some examples:

Kabbage company culture: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ft4W1aOP6Xk

Pioneer foods: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P_jIUVPVhQ8

H&M: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EH2os_x3S5I

Inside the organization/business:

Lead by example

  • Apply the values to the organization’s / business’s strategic planning
  • Make sure that you yourself as manager/owner/CEO is clearly following these values

Talk about the values to your employees (present and future)

  • Make sure that your values are clearly defined when you post job announcements
  • Explain the values of your organization/business to all new employees (see also “training” below)
  • Discuss the values of your organization/business with your employees during team meetings.


Training gives a perfect opportunity for you to communicate your organization’s/business’s values to your employees and ensure that they understand and foster these values.


Training – for new employees

It is important to dedicate time to present and explain your organization’s / business’s core values to all new employees during their orientation training.

Some tips:

  • Be clear (use simple language, be brief and specific)
  • Use examples/stories/personal experiences (explain to them why these values where chosen, what do they represent, illustrate with examples)
  • Make the presentation motivating and inspiring
  • If your employees understand and share the core values, then they can be more engaged, productive and satisfied in their work.

Training – for current employees

While it is important for new employees to be introduced and understand the core values of your organization/business, you should not forget the employees that you already have…

Make sure to organize internal trainings at regular intervals, where you will remind them of the core values.

What will you gain from it?

  • Refresh the core values in the minds of your employees
  • Make them feel more connected to them
  • Demonstrate your organization’s / business’s commitment to upholding and reinforcing those values
  • Motivate and inspire your employees to continue working, having these values as guidelines in their actions

Reinforcement and recognition

The processes in place to ensure the continuation of values being upheld by the organization

Reinforcement and recognition

It is often observed that once an organizational culture (its set of values) is built and communicated, there is little effort to reaffirm and reinforce those values.

However, reinforcement and recognition of values within the organization/business and its employees is absolutely vital for the sustainability of those values.

Some ways that you can reinforce and recognize core values in your organization/business:

  • Lead by example. It is important that the behaviour of the people in charge (owners, managers) aligns with the values of the organization/business.
  • Reward behaviour. It is usual practice in organizations/businesses to reward good results by the employees. However, if you want to reinforce the core values, rewarding the employees actions that are in line with these values can go a long way.
  • Find the time to celebrate: It is important to recognize and celebrate achievements (be they results or upholdment of values). Organize small events where you can celebrate these achievements with your employees
  • Provide recognition: It is important that you recognize and show appreciation for employees performances that align with the values. This will increase employee motivation and self-confidence and encourage them to continue to act in line with the values of the organization/business.

Hiring – values based recruitment

Value-based recruitment is a way of recruiting the most suitable people to work within your organization’s/business’s values.

Hiring – values based recruitment

Watch this video:

What Is Values And Purpose Based Recruitment?

Value based hiring/recruitment is the process of recruiting new employees focusing on theirs values and beliefs and how they align with the core values of your organization/business.

It is a way to ensure that you will recruit the people that are most suitable to work within the values of your organization/business.

It also supports the sustainability of values within your organization/business.

Here are some tips/things to keep in mind, if you want to engage in a values-based recruitment process:

  • Make sure that the job advertisement that you post, makes reference to the core values of your organization/business and the values that you expect in a future employee
  • Build a recruitment process that helps you assess the values of the candidates, before reaching the actual face2face interviews (you can use questionnaires, personality tests, etc)
  • Prepare your interview questions before-hand, focusing on the applicants behaviour in the workplace, how and why they do things (see examples here: https://www.inc.com/inc-advisor/zappos-managing-people-zappos-core-values-interview-assessment.html

Values Alignment

How the actions and practices of your organization/business are consistent with its values, mission and vision, as well as the values of your employees.

Now, you have set the values for your organization, business and hired people according to said values…

Now it is time for practice!

Values alignment means that all actions and processes of your organization/business are within your core values, as well as that your core values align with the personal values and beliefs of you and your employees.

Think about it… If someone asked you to do something that goes against your values, would you do it? And if yes, how satisfied would you be in your work?

Values alignment increases job satisfaction, trust and ultimately productivity, as well as ensures the sustainability of the values.


How to manage productivity & stress to align with the sustainability of values and objectives.

Presentation 05 Well-being

Food for thought:

Well-being and life satisfaction of the employees can directly affect key organizational outcomes like productivity.

The well-being of the employees is essential in order for them to be able to be effective and adapt to the changing demands of work and life.

For an organization/business, happier employees means higher productivity and a greater sense of commitment.

(Shilpy Kashyapa, Sanskrity Josephb, and G. K. Deshmukhc, 2016)

Well-being – How to promote it.

People who achieve good standards of well-being at work are likely to be more creative, more loyal, more productive, and provide better customer satisfaction than individuals with poor standards of well-being at work.

(Karen Jeffrey, Sorcha Mahony, Juliet Michaelson and Saamah Abdallah, 2014)

According to Karen Jeffrey, Sorcha Mahony, Juliet Michaelson and Saamah Abdallah, 2014, there are several ways to promote well-being at work, including:

  • Promotion of good health of the employees, by encouraging physical activity, supporting healthy eating, and trying to ensure that work does not get in the way of good sleep and vitality.
  • Fostering life and work balance, as a way to reduce stress
  • Working with employees to ensure that they have a sense that their job is achievable has also been shown to imply greater job satisfaction, as well as higher levels of morale.
  • Creating a safe working environment, as well as a sense of the social value of the organisation’s work. This can increase employees’ feelings of job satisfaction.
  • Ensuring good levels of job-fit and skill-use
  • Investing time in helping employees to take greater control over their work
  • Taking steps to improve relationships at work

Well-being and Values

  • It is important that the personal values of your employees align with your organization’s/business’s core values.
  • Alignment of values ensures the psychological and social well-being of the employees, giving them a sense of accomplishment and purpose.
  • Employees’ well-being increases productivity, reduces stress and supports the sustainability of the core values, as the employees feel satisfied in what they do.